
After 35 years of being Cape Elizabeth’s most trusted source for local news, The Cape Courier is proud to remain a non-profit enterprise.

Our advertising rates are still the lowest in the region while reaching a unique and educated demographic. Your ad with The Cape Courier is more than just a great value that brings you directly into the homes of thousands of customers. By supporting a non-profit, you are becoming part of the commercial, civic, educational, and cultural enterprises of our close-knit community.5

Fort Williams Field of Dreams, believed to be from early 1900’s

To Advertise:

Contact Tara Simopoulos, Advertising Manager [email protected] or (207) 939-9766.



Cape Elizabeth by numbers

12 minutes from downtown Portland, Maine • 9015 residents; 48% male and 52% female • The highest per capita income in Maine  •  Schools are ranked 1st statewide and 174th in the country*  •  3rd highest home values in the state  •  Made up of community-oriented families and active seniors.

*Newsweek Magazine 2015

Our mission:

The mission of The Cape Courier is to foster a sense of community by presenting news specific and unique to Cape Elizabeth and its residents, and, whenever possible, to promote volunteerism within our community