2025 Calendar
Publication schedule
Issue No | Ad/Copy Due | Issue Published | Relevant events for issue |
01 | Jan 3 | Jan 15 | Post-holiday sales |
02 | Jan 24 | Feb 5 | Valentine’s Day (Feb 14) |
03 | Feb 7 | Feb 19 | |
04 | Feb 28 | March 12 | St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) |
05 | March 14 | March 26 | Easter |
06 | March 28 | April 9 | Tax Day (April 15) |
07 | April 11 | April 23 | Earth Day |
08 | April 25 | May 7 | Mother’s Day |
09 | May 9 | May 21 | Memorial Day |
10 | May 23 | June 4 | |
11 | June 6 | June 18 | CEHS Graduation/Father’s Day |
12 | June 20 | July 2 | July 4th |
13 | July 4 | July 16 | |
14 | July 25 | August 6 | Beach2Beacon |
15 | Aug 8 | Aug 20 | Pre-Back to School |
16 | Aug 22 | Sept 3 | |
17 | Sept 5 | Sept 17 | |
18 | Sept 19 | Oct 1 | |
19 | Oct 10 | Oct 22 | Halloween (Oct. 31)/Pre-Election |
20 | Oct 31 | Nov 12 | Veteran’s Day |
21 | Nov 14 | Nov 26 | Election result, Thanksgiving |
22 | Dec 5 | Dec 17 | Holiday Celebrations |
Pre-payment is required for:
- New Advertiser’s first ad
- Political Advertisements
- Advertisers with overdue balances
- Inserts
- Classified ads
- Ad space must be reserved.
- Camera-Ready ads are due 12 days before publication.
- Publisher assumes no liability for errors in ads that have been approved by the advertiser.
- Payment is due within 20 days of publication.
- Finance charge of 1.5% per month will be applied to accounts more than 30 days old.
- Checks, and MC/Visa accepted.
- Rates and conditions subject to change on 30-days notice.
Coming Soon!
Front page banner ads and ad space on our website! Check back for more information in the coming months.